The holidays bring cozy gatherings, festive decorations, and plenty of warmth indoors. But it’s not…

Michigan Garden Pests in Spring: Spot These Signs
Gearing up for spring means thinking about your front yard—how you’ll care for it this year, when the ground will be thawed enough to plant, and new landscaping ideas you may want to pursue.
But fresh earth and new plant life mean pesky animals may be attracted to your yard. Learn how to keep garden pests out of your planters and how to keep wild animals away from your home this spring. Creature Control has the solutions you need to effectively and humanely address wild animal problems on your property. Keep reading to learn more.
Protect Your Garden from Nuisance Animals This Spring
Whether you’re looking at Michigan planting calendars for vegetables or you want to avoid ankle-twisting holes in your front lawn, Creature Control has the pest solutions you need this spring.
Creatures to Watch Out For
The most common pests in spring throughout lower Michigan are:
- Deer
- Foxes
- Groundhogs
- Moles
- Opossums
- Raccoons
- Squirrels
These critters often have a higher tolerance for the presence of humans, and may even be unafraid of encountering people. That can lead to property damage, put these animals in harm’s way, and make them particularly dangerous to humans as carriers of disease.
What Animal is Damaging My Garden in Michigan?
When you begin to suspect property damage by nuisance animals, you’ll often see these signs that your garden is under attack:
- When the entire flower, bud, and stem of a plant are gone, this is likely the work of an animal rather than an insect
- Many wild animals will eat small, tender plants whole, leaving empty spots of missing plants in your garden, and stems clipped off at ground level
- Squirrels may be a problem if you notice the tips of spruce new growth on the ground in spring
- Deer may be responsible for damage to the branches of needle-bearing trees where needles have been partially removed, or if the shoot has been cut and fallen to the ground
- Raccoons and skunks like to dig up newly planted bulbs
- Woodchucks have a knack for very distinctly “mowing down” young green bean plants
Whether you see your problem on this list or not, Creature Control can help you identify the different types of critters affecting your landscape. Our wildlife & pest control company offers a variety of safe and effective solutions to reclaim your green spaces, from preventative fencing to wildlife removal.
What to Do When You Have Spring Pests Damaging Your Yard
Creature Control offers humane pest solutions for a wide variety of creatures. From exclusion options for groundhogs to raccoon removal beyond their foraging range, our team can deliver long-lasting results that keep your property safe.
Don’t forfeit your green spaces this spring—let our trained pest control experts handle your wild animal problems.
Wild Animal Safety
It’s important to leave handling wild animals to the professionals. These creatures may look cute and friendly but it’s never a safe, smart, or kind idea to feed, pet, or wrangle wild creatures yourself without proper training.
Human interference puts animals’ natural instincts at risk of deterioration, negatively affecting their habits and territories. It also disrupts local ecosystems, attracting predators to new areas and turning unsuspecting animals into prey. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, interacting with wild animals will put you, your family, and any other humans in the area at risk for bites, disease, break-ins, and other harm from these creatures.
If you find an injured animal you want look out for, call Creature Control for safe wildlife removal, or a licensed wildlife rescue service for support.
Prevent & Treat Garden Pests in Michigan with Creature Control
Humane pest control service from Creature Control ensures your family stays safe from wild animals. It’s important to keep pets, children, and the elderly away from dangerous creatures and Creature Control is happy to help you protect your neighbors and loved ones. For fast, thorough, and reliable service, call Creature Control at (800) 441-1519. We’ll discuss your needs and have a team member sent out to you as soon as possible.